Selasa, 03 Februari 2009

The Asian Male - photography by NORM YIP

Gue sebagai salah satu penggemar fotografi n udah jadi kerjaan gue sehari-hari, gue sangat mengaggumi beberapa photographer yang memberi gue inspirasi. Gue selalu bercita-cita someday gue akan bisa bikin buku photography yang isinya nude male tapi ngaa kesannya porno, but really art....

One of my favorit photographer is Norm Yip, he is a very nice and humble person. I wsih i can learn some of his photography techique someday. His photos bener-bener ngaa ada kesan porno, but really artistic.

So kalo mau tau lebih banyak tentang dia, just visit his website and enjoy all the georgeous n sexy asian male there. Atau mungkin yang punya account facebook...feel free to join the group... asian male fans club

O ya...kalo mau beli bukunya bisa order online, but make sure sampai di tangan loe, atau malah jadi bahan masturbasi mas-mas bea cukai.... :)

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