Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009


Guys, buat yang mau belanja-belanja baju-baju cowok keren bisa mampir ke online shop kita. Masih baru buka, tapi akan selalu update barang baru tiap minggunya.

So become our fans di facebook and get special discount n update, ini linknya..silakan di click

Senin, 04 Mei 2009


Kamis, 19 Maret 2009

ada yang mau pake....?

Hehehe just found cute pic. Ada yang mau pake? Kalo pake kayanya lebih seru di luar kali ya.... hahahaha

Senin, 16 Februari 2009

SAGWAN full trailer

Walaupun ngaa ngerti apa arti dialognya...tapi this movie lumayan berani juga. Mungkin ada yang punya ato berhasil mendapatkan full versionnya.... huhuhu saher dunk... :)

Selasa, 03 Februari 2009

Chaiwat "Tob" Thongsang

Thai actor and model, Tob Thongsang starred in the film "Bangkok Love Story" in 2007 which won him worldwide acclaim. In this story about two men in love, Tob plays a character that is tall and muscular, contrary to popular stereotype about gay men in Thailand.

Now 20, Tob trains in the gym most days in the hopes of becoming a professional body builder.

He says he wouldn't mind other directors approaching him for other gay roles.

this picture really make my dying thingking of him.... DAMN IT.....ngiler sepanjang tahun

join his facebook page if you really love him

The Asian Male - photography by NORM YIP

Gue sebagai salah satu penggemar fotografi n udah jadi kerjaan gue sehari-hari, gue sangat mengaggumi beberapa photographer yang memberi gue inspirasi. Gue selalu bercita-cita someday gue akan bisa bikin buku photography yang isinya nude male tapi ngaa kesannya porno, but really art....

One of my favorit photographer is Norm Yip, he is a very nice and humble person. I wsih i can learn some of his photography techique someday. His photos bener-bener ngaa ada kesan porno, but really artistic.

So kalo mau tau lebih banyak tentang dia, just visit his website and enjoy all the georgeous n sexy asian male there. Atau mungkin yang punya account facebook...feel free to join the group... asian male fans club

O ya...kalo mau beli bukunya bisa order online, but make sure sampai di tangan loe, atau malah jadi bahan masturbasi mas-mas bea cukai.... :)

Jumat, 16 Januari 2009

.: KSHARE... can try

Isssue no 02 APPLY magazine

The second issue is ready to download. Just click to read the indonesian male lifestyle, fashion, and every other thing magazine...

klik klik klik....dapet duit...mau?

Cuma klik-klik iklannya loe dibayar 100/klik... kalo loe ajak temen, loe dapet 50/klik... daftarnya gratis kok...cuma luangin waktu aja beberapa menit sehari buat liiat-liat n klik iklannya... lamyan sedikit demi sedikit bisa jadi bukit kan... coba aja....anggep aja iseng-iseng berhadiah

Sabtu, 10 Januari 2009